It is a logo for a company called ipromea.

Returns & Refund

Returns/Refund Policy

100% Money Back Guarantee – we will refund or replace, whatever you prefer.

100% MONEY BACK GUARANTEE applies to any products you purchase that do not perform to your expectations and can be returned within 30 days for a full refund. Simply contact us to let us know about the issue, we’ll arrange a return shipping label, you just pay the cost to return the product. Once received, we will refund you the price of the goods including shipping for that item or replace the items if you prefer, provided the goods are returned in the same condition as they were sent. Proof of purchase must be provided prior to returning the product/s.


If you are unhappy with an product purchased from Ipromea, you must contact us by email, or phone within (30) days of the initial purchase.

If you have purchased a product through a reseller or another party, please return the product to them to request your refund/replacement.

Refunds for returns will be processed by Ipromea within 48 hours of receiving the item at our facility. It can then take up to 48 hours for money to credited by the bank into our customer accounts.

All refund claims made within the 30-day period, will be issued in the method by which they paid.

Replacement product will only be shipped after the returned item has been received by Ipromea unless stated otherwise by an Ipromea Customer Service Representative.

If you feel that your return falls outside of our policy, we encourage you to contact us to confirm if your return can be accepted.

Remember it’s our aim to keep our customers happy, so please feel free to contact us and we will work hard to resolve any issues!

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